Registering latte filters globally 02/02/2016

In this article, I would like to expand the idea of David Matejka. Only thing you have to do is simly register a latte fitler class in config.neon file and then adding just one method to this class each time you want to add different filter: services: latte.latteFactory: setup: - addFilter(null, [App\Filters, loader]) namespace App; class Filters { /** * @return mixed */ public static function loader(string $filter) { return (method_exists(__CLASS__, $filter) ?

In this article, I would like to expand the idea of David Matejka.

Only thing you have to do is simly register a latte fitler class in config.neon file and then adding just one method to this class each time you want to add different filter:

            - addFilter(null, [App\Filters, loader])
namespace App;

class Filters
	 * @return mixed
	public static function loader(string $filter)
		return (method_exists(__CLASS__, $filter) ? call_user_func_array([__CLASS__, $filter], array_slice(func_get_args(), 1)) : null);

	public static function myFilter(string $s): string
		return "{$s}ek";


{var $foo = "Aleš"}


Name of the filter has to be the same as the name of the method.

Beware! If your filter will return null, Tracy will show an error that the filter does not exist. You would better return an empty string ''.

This tutorial could be used since nette v2.3.