Different parts of nette have different caching configurations 30/04/2015

This article was taken and translated from (paveljanda.com)[https://paveljanda.com]. Nette Framework enables to disable cache to many different parts of the framework. The disbled cache is sometimes represented by Nette\Caching\Storages\DevNullStorage, sometimes by disabling temporary directory. I will describe in following articles what can be disabled and where you don’t have any other choice but to use the cache. Latte Let’s tell Latte not to cache things: services: nette.latteFactory: setup: - setTempDirectory(NULL) We may also add some custom macros:

This article was taken and translated from (paveljanda.com)[https://paveljanda.com].

Nette Framework enables to disable cache to many different parts of the framework. The disbled cache is sometimes represented by Nette\Caching\Storages\DevNullStorage, sometimes by disabling temporary directory. I will describe in following articles what can be disabled and where you don’t have any other choice but to use the cache.


Let’s tell Latte not to cache things:

            - setTempDirectory(NULL)

We may also add some custom macros:

        - App\Utils\Macros

This works, our macro is doing what it is supposed to do. But! When we change the namescpace (e.g. we move the macro to our super cool vendor Super\Cool\Macros), Tracy will show us warning that Class App\Utils\Macros not found. Hm. :(

The thing is, we can affect only caching mechanism of {cache} macros, not the Latte engigne itself.


DIC uses it’s own caching mechanism.End of story.


NDBT requires from DIC Nette\Caching\Istorage, which is a good thing. We may simply put in DIC that DevNullStorage mentioned above:

        class: Nette\Caching\Storages\DevNullStorage

Great - solved.


RobotLoader creates it’s own cache just before parsing config files - which makes sense - so it doesn’t give a damn about what you want to tell him using neon configs. But listen, we can change this behaviour for example in bootstrap.php:


Nette\Loaders\RobotLoader::setCacheStorage(new Nette\Caching\Storages\DevNullStorage).

# ...

Application cache

In your application, classes usually requires in class constructor Nette\Caching\Istorage instance, which is taken from DIC. As mentioned under Nette\Database\Table: if you register DevNullStorage, your applciation and your business logic will use it.